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Sat, 12 May 2007

Cool traffic sign in cologne

.:. posted: 12.05.2007-2307 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

This weekend I and my friend Jutta were in Cologne again to search a flat for me when I start my new Job there.

Driving through Neustadt-Süd again I found this pretty disturbing (IMO) traffic sign:

Traffic sign...

Well, I'm always careful when turning left over a crossing...

Fri, 23 Mar 2007

Nerdcore Geek Rap

.:. posted: 23.03.2007-1310 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

Some time ago found on Planet Debian from Amaya Rodrigo: Nerdcore seems to be a rap band from Stanford university with Lyrics. There's also a track for download.

Wed, 14 Mar 2007


.:. posted: 14.03.2007-1803 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

As I also recently startet Role playing (not one of these MMORPG, but pen and paper), Henning pointed me to Giant in the playground which has some really funny comic strips on this topic, as you may see here:

Jesus Saves...

Thu, 21 Dec 2006

Christmas Presents

.:. posted: 21.12.2006-1921 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

As every year the business partners in the office come up with their small christmas presents. This years' present from Extis was pretty cool I think:

The only inconvenience is the windows key instead of the apple key on the choclate keyboard. But anyway nice idea!

Sat, 02 Dec 2006

Christmas in amercia

.:. posted: 02.12.2006-0443 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

Is this the way the average american prepares for christmas?!? Maybe someone can tell me... %-)

And maybe soneone knows the music track played in the background, I became to like it and wanna know the title.


Looking a few minutes through google video I found another video of the same house which is a little longer and names the owner of the house in question (Carson Williams) as well as the track played, which acutally is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra with Wizards in Winter. Sometimes I love the Internet!

Tue, 21 Nov 2006

Linux Users have the bigger ones...

.:. posted: 21.11.2006-2013 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

Well, this seems to be a quite interesting study....

Tue, 23 May 2006


.:. posted: 23.05.2006-1949 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

funny quote form Startrek Voyager:

Fun will now commence
  -- Seven Of Nine, Ashes to Ashes, stardate 53679.4
Wed, 08 Mar 2006


.:. posted: 08.03.2006-2054 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

Today I found a funny car license:

car license

To BASH 'em all!!!

Windows XP boots on a Mac

.:. posted: 08.03.2006-1340 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

Just now I catched up this link on IRC. Don't know if "funny" matches this %-).

Thu, 16 Feb 2006

Innovative Ebay Auktion

.:. posted: 16.02.2006-1939 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

Wie auch n24.de berichtet finde ich Das hier mal eine gelungene Idee.

Ein ehemaliger Fussballprofi verkauft hier den Hinterkopf seiner Glatze, welche auch zukünftig aufgrund einer Stoffwechselerkrankung keine Haare mehr tragen wird. Er bietet dem Käufer an, sich für 10 Jahre Werbung auf den Hinterkopf tätowieren zu lassen.

Wie zu erwarten gibt's auch hier schon den ersten Trittbrettfahrer, bzw. TrittbrettfahrerIN, in diesem Fall.

Sun, 05 Feb 2006

Birthday Party

.:. posted: 05.02.2006-0031 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

Nobse hat gerade vor Zeugen behauptet: "Ich fand New Kids on the Block gut!"

Sat, 04 Feb 2006

Birthday Party

.:. posted: 04.02.2006-2356 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

Nobse hat gerade vor Zeugen behauptet: "Nie wieder Viagra!"

Fri, 03 Feb 2006

The ultimate Showdown

.:. posted: 03.02.2006-1501 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

Another funny flash showing how all these super heros will beat down themselfs in detail: click me!.

Fri, 20 Jan 2006

Tokio Hotel

.:. posted: 20.01.2006-1948 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

Everybody here in good old germany might know, or may have heard of, the more or less famous band "Tokio Hotel. Also being pretty young, the hit perfectly the exact taste of asolutely disgusting music. They are all pretty young (hardly 18 yo), but already touring all around the country.

Of course they're getting targeted by the german blogging community:

  • Waisenknabe writes: The brand-new single from Tokio Hotel is a follow up of their latest hit "Durch den Monsun", named "Abtrocknen nicht vergessen"
  • n24 um 23 Uhr shows us: How the Tokio Hotel precessor "Devilish" looked like. This clarifies that the singer Bill always looked like a girl, and even weared skirts.
  • Last, but not least, someone around IRC posted this pretty picture of their frontman associated with the title of a famous movie by Quentin Tarantino.

No more to say on this ... :-)

Fri, 13 Jan 2006

We all are killers

.:. posted: 13.01.2006-1917 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.
As you can read in this (german) cut from a newspaper... beware of us Computer Science Freaks... :)
Newspaper scan
To give Credit, found at Next Nexus.

Funny IRC quotes

.:. posted: 13.01.2006-1917 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

Recently a collegue of mine came up telling he found a really funny page with tons if IRC quotes on it. For some reason this page reminded me to a link I stumbled over about a year ago or two: bash.org and his german little brother german-bash.org.

While laughing over the first quote he reported about (something about a youngster who put cling film over the toilet, unfortunately his sister had the runs and it hit the wall...) I recognized - "OMG" - it was german-bash.org he was telling about. At least we can still laugh about the same bullshit :) .

The Daily What the F***!?!

.:. posted: 13.01.2006-1917 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

As every CS guy I have some websites I try to check and ready every day when time allows it. One of them is The daily WTF. Check it. No more comments necessary.

Der Pawel

.:. posted: 13.01.2006-1917 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.
blablabla, der pawel ist sooo dooooof !

Ascii Movie

.:. posted: 13.01.2006-1917 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.

In a java channel a IRC friend posted today this
l33t p0rn

Yesterday I found this recipe for a real geek sandwich:
Giant Burger

Found in #java@qnet

.:. posted: 13.01.2006-1917 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.
Two ints and a Float are in a bar. They spot an attractive Double on her own.
The first int walks up to her. "Hey, baby", he says, "my VM or yours". She slaps him and he walks back dejected.
The second int walks over. "Hey, cute-stuff, can I cook your Beans for breakfast". After a quick slapping, he too walks back.
The Float then ambles over casually. "Were those two primitive types bothering you?", he remarks.
"Yes. I'm so glad you're here", she says.

"They just had no Class!"

Found in #java@freenode

.:. posted: 13.01.2006-1917 h .:. category: /funny .:. permanent link .:.
Well, currently sushi or japanese food seems to become more and more popular here in germany. Keeping up with japanese tradtions when eating japanese is also considered as "in", at least you should use the chop sticks for the sushi rolls or teriaki. If you're not familar how to eat sushi, check this new Sushi-HOWTO from Eugene Ciurana.


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